Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blood, tears and confusion: Which way Nigeria?

For several months now, we have woken up to nothing but bad news in our beloved country, Nigeria. It is not getting any better either. The latest being the abduction of girls in Chibok, Bornu State. Young girls that did nothing but want to have basic education.

#BringBackOurGirls is a campaign got the whole world talking and offering help even when we can't say we know the whole truth about it all. What with the many conflicting reports that we hear daily. It is heart breaking to know that some girls are in some forest or some unknown place away from their families and loved ones abused, brainwashed and scared out of their wits. This amongst other things show that there are people in this country who think the girl-child should not be educated and this senseless act might just be their way of showing it.

#BringBackOurGirls because they are innocent and holding them and doing this evil won't do anyone any good or solve the fundamental problems we have in this country.

#BringBackOurGirls instead of making much noise and doing little.

#BringBackOurGirls by being vigilant and not the whole 'I don kia' 'No be my business' 'E no concern me' attitude we have about everything.

From the bombings, the kidnappings to the jungle justice that is still happening on our streets, (I saw pictures of a woman who was suspected of kidnapping some children. She was of course lynched and burned.) We need to not only pray, but to be our brother's keepers. We need to do the right thing and not just talk (scream, debate all day) about it. We need to do what we can as citizens to help and not spend our time and energy blaming the government for everything. (Don't think I don't know there are inadequacies.)

God bless Nigeria and give us the wisdom we need to tackle this situation.


Lily Johnson

Posted via Blogaway


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We need to be a people who have hearts of flesh. .not stone.

    Boko Haram is not our problem...we are our problem

  3. I agree. We need to have hearts of flesh not stone. Well put.


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