Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year people! Oh my God! (Dusting the entire place and getting rid of the cobwebs) I haven’t been here in a while because… well, I got a writing job that later led to joining the company’s advert team. All in all, it has been tough and in the process, I have met a lot of people. Some have become my pals too. The job doesn’t give me the ‘Yay! I got a brand new job’ feeling. I am doing it for something I stand to gain in the long run. Besides the pay doesn’t encourage a ‘Yay!’ either.

It is a brand New Year and I want to use this opportunity to say a big ‘thank you’ to all my readers and followers. You guys are just wonderful and I wish you all the luck you would need to be anything you want to be this year and beyond.

I will try my possible best to read your beautiful blogs and post something here too.

Take care my people!

Lily Johnson.


  1. Happy New Year to Ya! Stay strong in everything...can imagine!

  2. @Yankeenaijababe: Thank you dear and remain blessed

  3. Happy new year!

    Congratulations on your new job...i understand...take care.

  4. Happy new year Stranger. Congrats on the new job. You're getting experience and it is soo key. Give it a time, learn all you can then move on. Have a great year ahead!!

  5. Congratulations on the new job, Darling Lily! They are lucky to have you. It's all experience Honey. And you will reach your goals in life. Sometimes it just takes that thing called "paying your dues". Have patience, Love!

  6. I hope you have a wonderful 2011. I hear ya on the job not giving you that "yay! I got a brand new job feeling." After 4 years at mine I'm ready for a new one.

  7. Hello sister, how is the new job going?...just want to let you know i tagged you among THE STYLISH & VERSATILE BLOGGERS AWARDS. Pls visit my blog to know what is expected of you...tnxxxx.

  8. Happy New Year! Guess what? You're the winner of the eyeshadow giveaway! Hope this makes you smile today! Send your mailing address to novembergreyonline{at}gmail{dot}com and I'll get it over to you asap!


    November Grey

  9. @carma: Yeah, I am just glad i have a job and thats it! You need a new one right? Good luck to you dear and thanks for the comment.

    @Ibhade: Thank you Ib! I will do this. I am honored.

    @November grey: WooW!It made me a very happy woman Tanya. Thank you so much. i already sent you a mail.

    @2cute4u:Thank you!

  10. Nice being here and congrats on the new job. Hope to read more from you.

  11. Nice being here and congrats on the new job. Hope to read more from you.

  12. I just gave you for an award for Stylish and Versatile blogger.

    Check my page to see how it works

  13. Happy New Year Lily and congrats on that new job!

  14. Happy new year Lily!! Congrats on the new job. I'm glad it has given you the opportunity to also network. Nice.

    Also, thanks for the award sweets. Will get to "confessing/revealing" soon. lol.


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